



Each edition
contains a selection of the papers presented at the Annual Conference of The Department
of Modern Languages and Business Communication, Bucharest University of
Economic Studies. Starting with 2017, each conference was supported by various
international organisations/universities. As advertised in the Call for papers,
submissions can be in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, or Romanian (Abstract
in English is a must).

Open Access Policy

Synergies in
Communication Conference Proceedings
relies on the Open Access
policy to support academic exchange and cooperation among scholars and institutions.

Article processing charges (APCs)

Synergies in
Communication Conference Proceedings
do not request
article processing charges (APCs).

Article submission charges (ASCs)

Synergies in Communication Conference Proceedings do not request article submission charges.

Peer review

Each Call for papers includes details about paper proposals and submissions.
The editorial committee receives submissions and uses a double-blind review process.
Reviewers are asked to submit their reports in maximum four weeks since the
date of reception (see REVIEW FORM). Papers requiring major corrections/additions
go through a secondary verification.

Copyright and license

Authors retain copyright, retain publishing rights without
restrictions, and grant the Synergies in Communication Conference Proceedings
the right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC : CC Attribution-NonComercial 4.0)
that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s
authorship and initial publication in this publication.


Starting with
2011, Synergies in Communication Conference Proceedings appear online.
While we mainly consider for publication accepted papers presented at the International
Conference Synergies in Communication, proposals coming from scholars
unable to join the event may be included in the final selection.


We take consistent steps to encourage and make
sure that our publication rejects research misconduct and plagiarism. Authors are
required to follow academic best practice, and our university and editorial
board verify that accepted papers comply with international standards. Despite
such efforts, in the case of a paper whose author fails to respect the work of
others, the respective article(s) will be removed from that edition and the author(s)
will not be accepted to submit papers again for at least two successive years.
Allegations of misconduct need to reach the editorial board as soon as there is
such a suspicion.