Publication ethics

Conference languages are English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian or Romanian. The authors are responsible for preparation of the articles according to the guidelines provided (see Paper Template). Each participant can submit maximum 2 papers as author or co-author.


The criteria considered in the review process are the novelty and originality, the importance to the field, the organization and clarity, the relevance of references, and the quality of results. Anti-plagiarism software will also be used during the reviewing process. The recommendation is acceptance or rejection of the paper. Modifications may be suggested by the conference reviewers or organizers for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.


Submitted papers are subject to a double blind peer-review process. All review comments and suggestions should be addressed in the final submission, otherwise the manuscript might be rejected at the final review stage. We request that you submit both a marked-up version (with revisions highlighted or indicated with tracked changes) and a “clean” version of the manuscript. Submitted papers must be original and not previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.


The recommended length of the papers is 11 pages. However, the length is not in itself a criterion for acceptance or rejection. As long as the papers comply with the indicated review criteria, they will not be penalized on length. When the paper is accepted for publication, the copyright is transferred to the publisher.


The accepted articles will be published in the Conference Proceedings (Conference CD with ISSN) Editura ASE, ISSN (online)  2668 – 9375, ISSN-L 2284 – 6654


Open Access

All the accepted papers will be fully open access, which means that all papers are free for everyone to read and download immediately upon publication.



The publishers and the editorial board wish to make it clear that the views expressed in the Synergies in communication (CD with ISSN) are those of the contributors, and that each contributor is responsible for the data, opinions and statements appearing in the article. Submission of an article implies that it is an original work which has not been published previously or submitted for publication elsewhere and that it does not constitute an infringement of copyright.


Peer Review form


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